4 min readNov 5, 2020


Tea & Omelette

2020.The year 2020 will be remembered, in the final analysis, as the year of frauds. Two biggest frauds in the 10,000 year old history of humanity were done in this single year. One was the pandemic fraud. Yesterday British Prime Minister Boris Johnson was caught red-handed lying, when he was using a 4 times higher death rate, than the actual rate, to justify his new draconian lockdowns. The second fraud is the US election fraud. I got up at 5 a.m. yesterday.I made tea and omelette .Florida’s election results started coming at 5:30 a.m. Indian time.Due to the so called Covid pandemic, voting done by mails was much higher in US this time. The votes sent through mail were to be counted first as they had arrived earlier, than the votes made in person on election day. It was also expected that majority of votes done through the mails will be in favor of Biden.So the media said that early counting will favor Biden.From 5:30 a.m. in the morning to 7:30 a.m. it happened like that too. Biden was leading in Florida, Texas , Pennsylvania and most of the states. From 7:30 a.m. Trump started taking lead in most of the key states. By 8:30 a.m. this lead had extended to 8.5% in Michigan; 12% in Pennsylvania; 3% in Florida.Five hours later, by 12:30 p.m. this lead had increased further. Trump looked certain to win 293 electoral college votes. By now i had shifted from tea and had opened my bottle of Mateus wine to celebrate Trump’s certain victory. But then the fraud started happening. We noticed that they are Not declaring Trump’s victory even in states like Florida, where he had clearly won.Biden’s victory was announced even when he had a marginal lead. That is why many of you were seeing Biden having more electoral college votes than Trump .Electoral college votes are counted only when victory is declared — they are Not counted while the candidate is leading. At 2 p.m. another funny thing happened — Biden announced to his supporters that he is going to win the election ! At this time he was trailing by a massive 12 percentage points in Pennsylvania and 8.5% in points in Michigan. I laughed at Biden’s declaration. But at 2:20 p.m. I got a notification on my The Economist app. The notification said, “Biden has an edge.”. I was a bit shocked — The Economist saying Biden likely to win even when he was trailing with such a huge margin, 7 hours after counting began. I opened that notification. The Economist had written that large amount of mail votes were made in Michigan and Wisconsin. These mail votes have not been counted. They will go in favor of Biden and turn him victorious. Now the narrative was suddenly changed — the mail votes that were to be counted earlier are now being said that they will be counted later. By 5p.m. Biden had achieved the impossible — he had converted his 8.5% trail in Michigan and 3.5% trail in Wisconsin into leads. By 9 p.m. his victory in both Michigan and Wisconsin were declared. In Michigan he won by 0.6% points and in Wisconsin by 0.8% points. In this entire thing if you look closely you will find the proof of fraud, like Sherlock Holmes used to get. The 2 p.m. declaration by Biden that he is going to win, when his loss looked certain, must have surprised everybody. The Economist would then have contacted Biden or a top member of his campaign team on how he was saying that he is still going to win. Biden would then have given The Economist this mail votes theory. The Economist then shared this theory at 2:20 p.m. with its readers like me. Many people while opposing EVMs in India used to cite the example of paper voting in US elections. See polling frauds are 100 times more easier to do in paper votes than in EVMs. I will give you an example of a very simple fraud that is used when counting of paper votes is done. So they make bundle of 100 votes first of every candidate. Then these bundles are counted. So if you have 10 bundles , you get 1000 votes (10*100). Now you can just get one person ,who is involved in counting the votes, to do the fraud of making bundles of 101 of your opponent votes and of 99 for your votes. This can be easily done with nobody detecting. The result is that your votes will be counted as 1000 even when you actually got 990 votes.And your opponent’s vote will be counted as 990, even when she got 1000 votes. You will win by 10 votes. In EVM such kind of fraud is impossible. If you rig an EVM so that all votes in a polling center go to BJP, then at the time of counting the EVM will be caught because it will show all the votes for BJP and 0 votes for others. If EVM was mandatorily used in US presidential elections, and the absolute craziness of mail-in ballots was not done, this gigantic fraud could not have been done. And Trump would have won the elections that he has actually won

